Taking CSV Exported Cube Voyager Path Files to A New Level Using GAWK (part 1)

January 30th, 2013

In a prior post, I link to some code that outputs a path file.  I’ve done something a tad different because I needed some select link analysis and reading the path file in Cube was taking far too long to do it the normal way.

So, I took that program on Github and extended it to perform a selected link:

And this outputs a few GB of paths in CSV format.  I went from 42 GB of paths in the AM to 3.4 GB of CSV paths.  Still not good enough. The next thing I did was use GAWK to get just the Origin and Destination

This returns a CSV file of just the origin and destination (which can be linked to the vehicle trip matrix).

Part 2 will discuss how to link to a vehicle trip matrix and if this approach actually works!