Interesting INT() Issue Between Cube and Excel

July 24th, 2012


I don’t know about anyone else, but I do a lot of calculation prototyping in Excel before applying that in scripts.  One of the most recent was to do a script to add expansion zones (also known as “dummy zones”, although they aren’t really dumb, just undeveloped!).

The problem I had was related to the following equation:

R=INT((819-N)/22)+1   Where N={820..906}

In Excel, the results are as below (click on it if it is too small to see):

In Cube, I got the result of (click on it to expand, and I only took it into Excel to move stuff around and make it easier to see):

Note the sheer number of zeroes in the Cube version and all the numbers are ‘off’.

The reason, as I looked into things was because of how INT() works differently in the two platforms.  In Cube, INT simply removes everything to the right of the decimal, so INT(-0.05) = 0, and INT(-1.05)=-1.  In Excel, INT rounds down to the nearest integer.  This means that negative values will be different between the two platforms.  Note the table below.

Excel Cube
3.4 3 3
2.3 2 2
1.1 3 1
0.5 0 0
0 0 0
-0.5 -1 0
-1.1 -2 -1
-2.3 -3 -2
-3.4 -4 -3

While neither software is truly wrong in it’s approach (there is no standard spec for INT()) it is important to know why things may not work as expected.